On behalf of the Anomalous Absorption Conference Board of Directors, we welcome you to the Anomalous Absorption Conference website! Anomalous Absorption, LLC is a non-profit entity charged with organizing this annual scientific meeting typically held in June in remote locations that encourage the scientific interchange between attendees over the five days of the conference. These webpages contain the latest information on next year’s conference in addition to information on past year’s conferences. Please select the latest year’s tab above to get information on the upcoming Anomalous Absorption Conference. We are excited and committed to organizing this unique conference that showcases the latest developments in:
- Laser plasma interactions
- High energy density physics
- Laser particle acceleration
- High-intensity laser effects
- Short-pulse laser interactions
- X-ray sources
- PIC/Vlasov/Rad-Hydro modeling
- Inertial fusion plasmas
- Advanced plasma diagnostics
- Alternate ignition schemes
- EOS/Transport/Opacity
The page for the upcoming AAC2025 can be found here